"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.
From Europe to the Himalayas along
Part II
From Europe to the Himalayas along
Part II
From Europe to the Himalayas along
Part III
From Europe to the Himalayas along
Part III
Exploring the less beaten paths of the world
- look, read, dream, travel!

Into the wilderness of rural Denmark.
Denmark does not have Norway’s high mountains or Fjords, or the wilderness of northern Sweden and Finland. Nevertheless, Denmark has a small number of significant wilderness expanses mostly set around a core of vast lakes and nearby woodlands, creeks and open terrains. It is a
wonderful place for small excursions.
We often do very spontaneous trips to the lakes and/or on the rivers when the weather is either super good or the complete opposite.
Going into rural Denmark is just as fun during a snowstorm in February as during a heat wave in July.
Location: Several one-day, weekend and week-long camping, hiking and canoo trips in Denmark
While growing up in Western Funen, at a very early age our dad and older brother used to take us hiking and camping in these wilderness areas and to the lakes. We learned a lot of stuff and obtained basic cooking, camping and outdoor endurance skills, including cold management skills during the Danish winters. Nowadays, we bring our own kids into the same areas on hiking, camping and canoeing excursions. Denmark has a lot to offer during all seasons, and even in the most remote parts, you will most likely be able to find a primitive shelter or camping ground.
f we had to choose, we simply love the Danish wilderness between September and May, which is definitely low season, and for which reason we often have it all to ourselves. Our favorite spots are the the Central Lake Highlands, Hald Lake & Dollerup Hills, Tange Lake, and the Jels Lakes. Also, love the different creeks and have done several canoo trips on Gudenåen (Guden Creek), Kongeåen (King's Creek), Skjern Å (Skjern Creek), Odense Å (Odense Creek), etc.
Selected pics:

Søhøjlandet - or the Lake Higlands District in English - is shaped with hills, forests and lakes, and is one of our favourite areas for outdoor activities and camping. Over the years we have done 20+ trips in this area and we simply never get tired.

...in the Lake Highlands during an autumn canoo trip

The major part of the Lake Highland is shown.

Across Brassø lake in early morning - very refreshing!

The many lakes in the Lake Highland District are best explored during a canoe trip. It is easy to find a place to rest or sleep along the way, either in shelters, in the wood or on camping grounds.

...which is a small archipelago sitting in Borre Lake in the Lake Highlands. The picture is taken in early autumn during heavy rains and a semi-thunder storm. During the autumn the Danish weather can be extra tricky, switching between sudden downpours and warm sunny weather. The trick is to pack wisely and keep raingear within reach in the canoe.

The canoe has be tucked on land, the fire is glowing behind us, Irish coffee is prepared on the cooing kettle, and the sun is setting over Juelsø Lake.

...along Gudenåen River, the longest river in Denmark that runs trough the Jutland peninsula. It flows a total of 176 kilometres, and this is one of our favourite parts.

Small road among spring flowers, in between Gudensø Lake and Mossø Lake. It was early in morning during the flowering season in May; what a sight!

...before a winter kayak trip on the half-frozen lakes of central Jutland

...during camping a weekend on the Paradise Islands in Borre Lake in the Lake Highlands.

...reaching Tange Lake.

...with a view towards Juelsø Lake and Møgelø Island in the lake. This is part of the core of the Lake Highland District.

Vrads Sande is a unique inland dune area formed by the sand drift over many hundreds of years, in the heart of Jutland

...at Vrads Sande Hearfulness Meditation Center

...along Knudsø Lake, Birksø Lake, Julsø Lake, Borresø Lake and the Paradise Islands, and finally Brassø Lake.

...in Borre Lake in the Lake Highlands during early autumn

One of our favourite hikes is from Silkeborg over Ry to Skanderborg in the Lake District. The hike is 50 km, and can be undertaken in two long days.

On the Borre Lake which is part of the core of the Lake Highlands District

The southern parts of the Lake Highlands District is perhaps the most dramatic due to the vast expanses of forest and lack of villages. The northern part, however, is also very beautiful especially around the Nordskoven Woods and Linå Vesterskov Woods on each side of Sejs and Svejbæk. Here, we are on the slopes of the Sindbjerg hills during a hike from Silkeborg to Laven. Nadia, Anders’ middle child, is sitting in her comfy bag while being carried the entire hike.

...on the northern expanses of the central Lake Highlands

During one of our many hikes from Silkeborg to Skanderborg, along Lake district.

At Silkeborg lake area and four kids - the loved to stay in the hot tent while it was pouring down outside.

...here in the Østerskov Woods in the Lake Highlands District

At many time we pack alot so we can stay for several days. Incl. dry wood for the camp fire. Here on a trip from Silkeborg to Ry - upstream all the way