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Into the wilderness of rural Denmark.

Denmark does not have Norway’s high mountains or Fjords, or the wilderness of northern Sweden and Finland. Nevertheless, Denmark has a small number of significant wilderness expanses mostly set around a core of vast lakes and nearby woodlands, creeks and open terrains. It is a

wonderful place for small excursions.

We often do very spontaneous trips to the lakes and/or on the rivers when the weather is either super good or the complete opposite.


Going into rural Denmark is just as fun during a snowstorm in February as during a heat wave in July.


Location: Several one-day, weekend and week-long camping, hiking and canoo trips in Denmark


While growing up in Western Funen, at a very early age our dad and older brother used to take us hiking and camping in these wilderness areas and to the lakes. We learned a lot of stuff and obtained basic cooking, camping and outdoor endurance skills, including cold management skills during the Danish winters. Nowadays, we bring our own kids into the same areas on hiking, camping and canoeing excursions. Denmark has a lot to offer during all seasons, and even in the most remote parts, you will most likely be able to find a primitive shelter or camping ground.


f we had to choose, we simply love the Danish wilderness between September and May, which is definitely low season, and for which reason we often have it all to ourselves. Our favorite spots are the the Central Lake Highlands, Hald Lake & Dollerup Hills, Tange Lake, and the Jels Lakes. Also, love the different creeks and have done several canoo trips on Gudenåen (Guden Creek), Kongeåen (King's Creek), Skjern Å (Skjern Creek), Odense Å (Odense Creek), etc. 


Selected pics:

© Anders M. Pedersen & Jakob M. Pedersen. All photos have been taken by Anders & Jakob.

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